As a working mom of three kids, I can’t avoid work from home during this quarantine period. I have all the struggles that all the work from home moms have. However, here are few tips that I can share with you to make your work from home life easier.Â
1. Set up your home office.Â
It is very important to have a comfortable fixed location of working places at home. This is not only giving you the feel of comfortable working. It is also set up the boundary of work and family life.
Below are some suggestions base on what I am currently using in my home office. I found those work great with my daily work.
1.1 A standing up desk
This is a great standing up adjustable desk that I found very useful. While I decided to work from home, I ordered this desk right away. Why? I have been used to use standing up desk at work, especially after lunch. Yes, after lunch. For the first week before this desk shipped to me, I sit in front of the desk most of the time. No coffee break with coworkers, no need to walk to meeting rooms, the bathroom is just few steps away, the kitchen is just downstairs… What I get with all of those “convenience”?
- Gian weight, big belly
- Lose muscle strength
- Weak bones
- Shoulder pain
- Cervical spondylosis
- I can continue to list a lot more
Yes, I got shoulder pain and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) symptoms. This stand-up desk is a life saver. You can find all kinds of stand-up desk that fits your need. The desk I used is just for your reference. I found it is very sturdy and easy to use. Few of my coworker has bought the same desk after I used it and recommended to them. If you want to save time searching and curious about what I got, here is the link to it or you can simply click on the image. This link should give you $10 – $25 off the current price.
1.2 Large screen monitor
The next important thing I got right away is: large screen monitor!
Yes, if you are working with data and numbers a lot, a big screen monitor is very necessary. I simply went to amazon ordered a 27″ monitor that is at a reasonable price.

Above is the 27” monitor I bought since the COVID-19 become server at middle of March. So far I am very happy with it. You can click the image for details of this monitor if you are interested. Again, the product link is just for your reference as it was tested by me. You should pick the ideal item based on your need and budgets.
1.3 Wireless mouse and keyboard
After you get a monitor, you will find working from the laptop key pad is not suitable any more. A wireless key board and mouse is the solution. The image below is the key board and mouse combo that I purchased mid March. It’s at the cheap end of price considering they are both wireless Key pad and mouse. The mouse is a little smaller than the regular mouse. I found it very slim and neat to use. The keypad is reasonable designed. It is a little noise compare with my laptop keypad. However, it is under my picky standard. Both mouse and keypad contains a On/off switch which I found Is very useful, especially when you have little kids who are very interested to play with it.
Again, there are many choices with various features around. You may choose the one fits your need and budget.

2. Set up your work schedule
Once you start work from home, you should start to make your work schedule. Without it, you will find it very hard to find the boundary of work and life. You may have a report due in the afternoon of next day. However, you are in middle of the process. It is 6pm. You have been working for 8+ at the day. However, you find it is hard to stop. You really want to finish the report! Yes, this is true. Usually people find it is very hard to find the boundary when working from home. So, a fixed work schedule is very imported. You may not follow it every single day, however, you will find it is really helpful when you are hooked in front of your work laptop.
3. Mark your calendar
If you need to pick up kids at a specific time of the day, mark your calendar in advance. At this special of quarantine time, most of moms choose to keep kids home for remote learning. Indeed, it is not easy to work with kids home, so schedule your fixed time slot on the calendar is very necessary given a meeting could be set up at the time that you need be away.
4.Talk to your manager
Maybe I should put this point at the most beginning. It is important to talk to your manger about your current situation, update your work progress constantly, talk about your work life as well. Since you and your boss or your direct report won’t see each other, a good and efficient communication makes big differences and plays a big role. Set up 1 on 1 with your boss once a week or even daily.
Hope above tips help you on the daily work from home life. I will continue to share with you other tips that I found helpful. If you have any other suggestions and tips, please feel free to add in the comments.