Cats and kittens can be gentle, soft, and affectionate, making them excellent pets. Unlike dogs, they do not need to be walked outside daily. They are an excellent remedy for loneliness! They could be a great friend for your children.
Despite the numerous benefits of having cats/kittens, there are a few things you should be aware of before getting a cat.

Cats are naturally independent, but they are less capable of caring for themselves. Before you get a cat, make sure your lifestyle allows for it. The type of cat you should have depends on how busy you are and how much time you spend at home – very busy people may find it difficult to find time for cats that require a lot of grooming and attention, especially cats that require a lot of attention and the cat that is intelligent and active.
Prepare for any changes in your schedule or lifestyle that may occur following your adoption. What if you’ve had a long day at work but the cats still want to greet you at the door at the end of it? Finding the cat a playmate can be a good solution. You may consider adopting two kittens/cats instead of one, just like what I did 😊
Do you suffer from any allergies? If you have a severe allergic reaction to cats, you should consider allergy testing before bringing them home. Some allergy sufferers, however, may be able to adapt to their pets while remaining allergic to other cats. It is a safe bet to select cats with lower allergen levels. Your veterinarian or the staff at an animal shelter can all provide advice.
Before bringing the cat home, have it tested and immunized. Spraying should be planned for when the kitten reaches the appropriate age. This could make a big difference. It has the potential to turn a sick cat that tries to climb through a window or spray furniture into a healthy, calming, and happy cat.
Purchase a high-quality litter box and cat litter. A top-entry or front-entry litter box provides your cat with more privacy and makes them feel safe. You should clean the litter box at least once a day. Also, make sure your cat is eating a well-balanced, age-appropriate diet. If necessary, consult your veterinarian or a representative from your local pet store.
Cats enjoy playing. Toy mice, ropes, feathers, and even empty boxes can be entertaining. Toys don’t have to be expensive (and can even be homemade); just make sure you prepare enough toys to keep your cat entertained, active, and energetic.
Invest in a scratch post if you don’t want your couch torn apart or your new Louis Vuitton bag to be ruined. A cat scratching post is a must-have!
Catnip and those freeze-dried kitten snacks are great tools for cat bribery and training.
Invest in pet insurance. We hope you never need it, but as the saying goes, “it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
If you’re bringing home a kitten, begin grooming the cat fur as soon as possible. Bathing, brushing, and trimming cat nails will be something to look forward to rather than something to fear.

Happy adopting!